Look at a Shell and see the Universe: My Sacred Geometry Retreat with Stephanie Ellis

The greatest gift I have ever given myself, is the Scared Geometry retreat with Stephanie Ellis at the beautiful Bali Mountain retreat in Batukaru. It was there that I found myself on an unexpectedly transformative journey, masterfully led by Stephanie, where she helped me open a new window to my soul and the interconnectedness we all share. 

Stephanie is a seasoned explorer of nature's intricate patterns, she has spent over 14 years unravelling the geometric secrets of plants, shells, and cultural symbols. Her retreat became an invitation to delve into these universal structures and discover the symmetry and sequences that dictate the very fabric of existence – a concept that further opened my mind to the transcendental infinite. 

You will find some of the work I created on the retreat below.

As Stephanie guided us through different geometric patterns and forms, it felt like we were decoding a universal language of sorts. These weren't mere shapes we were making; they were deeper than that, perhaps even pathways to the beginning of all things. Each step in our mandala drawings – dividing circles, finding symmetries – was a step closer to an unseen harmony that seems to bind all life – it became a dance of geometry, an awakening if you will.

Fundamentally, these geometric forms can be expressed as dry mathematical number sequences and equations, think fibonacci, fractals and the Mandelbrot set. But this belies their true nature and ability to reflect universal truths, they are the maps of the universe, both macroscopic and microscopic and are found everywhere, from a galaxy to a shell. There is a simplistic balance in that infinite complexity, and I love that you can look at a shell and see the universe. 

With the art of mandala making taking centre stage during our retreat journey, I found these sacred circles were more than just aesthetic designs, they can be spiritual maps, and something I believe we can all use therapeutically. Stephanie guided us through various patterns that grounded us, as well as patterns for us to meditate on, and each mandala we created became a reflection of our inner universe and personal perspectives. 

Stephanie's understanding of mandalas across different cultures revealed the deep spiritual significance of these shapes. To ancient cultures they were more than mere decorations; they were spiritual connections to something beyond this earthly realm. I learned that mandalas are used worldwide, from the Tibetan sand mandalas, symbolising impermanence, to the intricate rose windows in Gothic cathedrals, echoing divine order. Perhaps we can better understand the human fascination with the nature of God through this Scared Geometry lens. 

As I delved deeper into the retreat, I noticed changes in my mental state. There was an enhanced focus, a clarity of thought previously clouded by the incessant buzz of my busy life. For me, creating these sacred patterns required a level of concentration that sharpened my mind, making me more attentive and present. I began recognising patterns within myself and the universal patterning that resonates within each of us. These connections were and are life affirming.

The process of drawing mandalas was enlightening. Each line intersected and created coordinates if you will, for the next shape, as if we were charting our path through the cosmos. This intricate practice led to a profound sense of organisation and stillness within me, I was truly present. It was not just a mental or physical organisation, but rather an existential clarity. I felt more connected to the earth and the universe whilst enjoying a quieter mind. 

Surprisingly, this journey also had a physical dimension. The relaxation induced by our meditative practices led to a tangible sense of well-being. My breathing deepened, my heart rate slowed, and I felt an overall sense of physical harmony. It was as if my body was tuning itself to the rhythm of the geometric patterns unfolding in front of me.

This physical relaxation went hand in hand with a deeper spiritual awakening. Drawing mandalas connected me not only to the earth beneath my feet but also to the stars above. The experience was grounding yet expansive, a duality that resonated deeply with my sense of existence and confirmed for me that we all are part of a whole, indelibly bound to everything and everyone.

I will leave it there dear readers, but if you're seeking a path that intertwines the spiritual with the scientific, the personal with the universal, Stephanie's upcoming Mandala Meditation evening and workshops could be a gateway to this new world, and I highly recommend you give it a go. You don’t need to travel to a mountain retreat to experience the privilege of Scared Geometry.

Say tuned for upcoming workshops around Australia, overseas and at the CC https://www.theartofprocess.art/

Thanks for reading dear community and best wishes on your journey,

~ Tania


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